The fact that excess sitting is bad for your health is no big secret—it’s actually a well-documented fact.
But, as our world becomes increasingly hyper-connected and digital technology continues to evolve, is sitting down transforming from a mild issue to a fully-fledged societal addiction?
The looming threat of COVID-19 has highlighted the possibility of remote working across industries, with a sharp 24% rise in home working since the start of the pandemic. But, how equipped are we to operate ‘from a distance’ long-term?
Inadequate work spaces, poor lifestyle management, and excess sitting are among the main challenges many home or remote workers face.
This increase of sedentary-related illnesses are becoming woven into the fabric of modern society—and without addressing these issues, we could be staring down the barrel of a mass health & wellbeing pandemic in the coming years.
Sitting isn’t natural to humans, but we’ve made it feel right
Sitting down for excessive periods isn’t like alcohol, food or even smartphone addiction in the sense that it’s completely covert. It goes unnoticed on a mass scale.
We all sit down (and sometimes, we need to)—and being hunched over a desk, glutes glued to a chair has been the ‘norm’ for many decades. We’ve become dependent on excess sitting, it has indeed morphed into an addiction. But the cold, hard fact is: the human body isn’t designed to be in this position for hours on end.
If you look at the movements of babies or toddlers, you’ll probably notice that they instinctively shift around frequently, stretching, standing, shuffling, and squatting as much as possible. That’s largely due to the fact that our bodies aren’t naturally engineered to adopt a sitting position.
In a nutshell, that’s the very reason that sitting down too much isn’t advised.

Sitting down is bad for your health & wellbeing
As the world evolved from an innovation standpoint, humans invented tools of convenience to facilitate excess sitting. And, while chairs and traditional worktops are welcome in this world, we should use them more sparingly.
Why? Well, because sitting is bad for you. Yes, sitting down too much is linked to:
As you can see, sitting down too much, while convenient, isn’t your friend. On the contrary, standing more while focusing on good posture offers a wealth of health-boosting benefits.
Sit less, move more: it’s time to take a stand
Now you’ve identified that you may be a little too reliant on excessive sitting and you understand the risks to your long-term health & wellbeing, it’s time to take a stand.
By committing to moving more, taking frequent screen breaks, and standing for extended periods while you’re working, you will significantly improve your health, wellbeing, and productivity levels.
To help you take an all-important stand and maintain your health indefinitely, here at HumbleWorks, we’ve developed a collection of stunning standing desks that are portable, 100% ergonomic, built to last, and crafted from a mix of high-quality eco-friendly materials.
With our standing desks, you can set up a happy productive workspace, safe in the knowledge that your posture is on point and you’re taking an active role in counteracting the negative impact of excessive sitting.
If you are working from home (or an office for that matter) and you want to take charge of your wellbeing, check out our two signature standing desks and take that first rewarding leap towards a happier, healthier worklife. You won’t regret it.
"Sustainable solutions based on innovation can create a more resilient world only if that innovation is focused on the health and well-being of its inhabitants. And it is at that point - where technology and human needs intersect - that we will find meaningful innovation." —Frans van Houten