How to break free from a sedentary lifestyle

How to break free from a sedentary lifestyle

Break free from a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is part of modern culture, and in one way or another, it affects us all. Keep reading to find out how to break free from a sedentary lifestyle for better health and wellbeing. 

Some of the tips are quick and easy to implement, while others will take a little more work and attention. Perhaps we should start out by looking at what a sedentary lifestyle is and how we all fall prey to the habits of convenience.

What is a Sedentary Lifestyle

In 2017 the British Heart Foundation released a physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour report. It stated that more than 20 million adults in the UK were physically inactive. This is a staggering statistic, and one that could be drastically reduced if we were to simply exercise, or even just walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day.

Sedentariness is basically defined as being inactive and sitting down for most of the day. It’s worrying to think that most of us are confined to our desk chairs for 8 to 10 hours every day!

Health issues caused by a sedentary lifestyle

Sitting down for prolonged periods, which many of us do daily, causes a range of health issues from diabetes to bad posture, poor blood circulation to hip problems. The problem is that our bodies are not meant to be seated all day. We’re built to move, to be active and to engage our bones and muscles in regular movement in order to keep them healthy.

Because our bodies remain seated, the muscles, bones, joints, and even our hearts are sitting in idle for most of the day. Eventually after months and years of our important body parts being idle for hours on end, they will become weak and lose their ability to function efficiently.  As we’ll discover, there definitely are health benefits of standing up at work and being a little more active during the day.

Unfortunately, just going to the gym is not enough

Even regular gym sessions will not reverse the harmful effects of sitting (or being sedentary). Sure, they’ll help you to feel better, and may slowly improve your fitness, but what about the other 23 hours of the day, which is made up of sitting on the couch, sitting at your desk, or sleeping?

Our bodies need a range of movement to keep them healthy; from strenuous exercise to regular walking and simple, small movements like washing dishes, shuffling around on our feet while we work, cooking meals etc.

Break FREE from Sedentariness

Overcoming sedentariness for a healthier and happier life is simpler than you may think. Although there are no quick fixes, all it takes is a small shift in your mindset, a little commitment, and the will to GET UP and do more with your day. One of the most sure-fire ways to ensure you stand up more, is of course to use a standing desk at work.

 You may be asking the question, ‘how often should I stand at work?’ and the answer to that is, take it easy at first – maybe only a few hours a day. Gradually you will find it easier to stand for longer periods which will hep your posture, your blood circulation, and a whole lot more.  

As well as a stand-up desk and a good workout routine, try and include a few of these activities into your day:

  • Walk and talk with a colleague, instead of meeting them in the boardroom.
  • Eat your lunch anywhere, except at your desk.
  • Could you cycle to work? What about walk?
  • Forget the takeaways, rather cook a delicious meal.
  • Wash the dishes by hand.
  • Get into the garden and trim the hedges, mow the lawn, pull out some weeds.
  • Stand and work at your desk (we have the right solution for you)!
  • Take a 5-minute stroll around the block in between your Netflix series.

Our bodies were built to move; and over thousands of years, they have been shaped to be most efficient while standing, walking, running, and active. All it takes to overcome sedentariness is a little willpower, and a change in our daily routine.  

Good luck with your transformation, and make sure to keep an eye on our blog posts for more tips, advice, and benefits you can enjoy from a more active and non-sedentary lifestyle!

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