Let’s talk about good posture

Let’s talk about good posture

You’ve heard it before: poor posture leads to future pain. And if you don’t fix it today, you’ll only pay for it tomorrow. 

In this blog, our aim is to spotlight the importance of excellent posture by examining how poor posture impacts physical and mental health. We’ll also give some quick and easy tips for correcting your stance, whatever you may be doing! 



Why Should I Improve My Posture?

Good posture is an essential ingredient to living a longer, happier and healthier life. Slight changes now will have a potentially huge effect on your future general well-being. Here are 4 reasons why you should seek to improve your posture now:

  • Physical ailments
  • Research has identified numerous health conditions related directly to poor posture, such as incontinence, constipation and digestive disorders (Harvard Health).

    Inadequate workstations requiring slouching over desks can cause reduced muscle function, poor joint alignment, scoliosis, chronic weariness and potbelly as well as aches and pains. 

    The flip side: improving your posture will give you more energy, aid nutritional absorption and reduce the possibility of physical conditions that can seriously impede simple day-to-day activities.

  • Energy and emotional management 
  • Recent studies, such as that of psychology professor Richard Petty, have discovered strong correlations between posture and emotion.

    Slumping in your chair for prolonged periods, for instance, is likely to lower self-assurance and generate sluggishness and passivity, as well as directly lowering your mood. Consequently, a lower mood makes it much more difficult to manage emotions.

    It may be challenging to tell the difference between genuine confidence and confidence that comes from simply standing up straight. Similar to how smiling causes happiness, the relationship here is reciprocal.

    The flip side: spending less time slouched over a desk and more time sitting up straight will help you feel happier, more energised and more self-assured. 

  • Chronic illness
  • Chronic posture leads to chronic illness. 

    Consistently bad posture over a number of years can trigger a whole range of physical pains and setbacks. It can also increase your risk of cancer and coronary issues. 

    The flip side: implementing slight changes to your posture now will significantly reduce your chances of chronic and terminal illness in the future. 

  • Premature ageing
  • Joints, organs and outward appearances may age ahead of time as a result of habitual poor posture. Ever heard of ‘tech neck?’ We guarantee that once you look this up, you’ll want to avoid it at all costs! 

    Life is precious, so we want to protect our health and mobility as much as possible to keep doing the things we love. Further, feeling good on the outside will make us feel better inside! 

    The flip side: take steps to correct your posture and enjoy looking and feeling good well into your old age! Oh, and avoid ‘tech neck’. 

    How to improve your posture long term

    By this stage, the point is probably loud and clear: poor posture is bad. So far, we’ve been banging on about taking steps to avoid this and that. ‘But what steps do I actually take?’ you might be asking. Well, here are some top tips that will help you on the road to a healthier posture:



  • Be mindful

    We’ve said it before, but small changes today will significantly improve your mental and physical health in the future. During the day, whatever it is you may be doing, be mindful of your body. Or if like me, this doesn’t come naturally to you, then why not stick a post-it note on your desk as a constant reminder to check your positioning. Either way, paying attention to your body will prompt you to make effective minor adjustments in that moment. These adjustments may include:

    • Having regular screen breaks to prevent you slouching too long
    • Improving your posture while sitting: ensure feet are planted firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart
    • Raising your screen to eye-level to avoid hunching over desks
    • Standing regularly at work if you can when taking phone calls, at break times etc. 
    • Looking ahead when walking and avoiding rolling shoulders
    • Avoiding twisting when sleeping: try to fall asleep with a straight spine if you can. Invest in a good mattress that supports the natural curvature of your spine

  • Embrace ergonomics
  • We are passionate about helping foster a comfortable work environment that allows you to work to your maximum ability when in the zone. 

    We strongly believe that specialised ergonomic tools such as standing desks are great investments as they support proper posture and allow for better blood circulation. You may also find that standing while working will maintain energy levels and sidestep that afternoon lull. 

    Investing in the correct standing desk is one of the best decisions you can make with regard to posture and will undoubtedly reduce your chances of chronic pain or illness in the future. For those working remotely, your company owes you a duty of care, so have a chat and see what equipment could benefit you. 

    Think about your posture. Make the change today. Enjoy a healthier tomorrow.

    “A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.”
    Morihei Ueshiba

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