"My experience with Stan 1"

"My experience with Stan 1"

Sam Gamblin from the UMHAN Charity recently began her journey with our Stan 1. She documented her experience and sent us a beautiful piece on it. 

Read the blog below if you're interested in learning what it's like to start working at a HumbleWorks standing desk. 



Took me 8 mins to assemble! Hardest bit was screwing in the eye hooks…

Quite excited to be standing up, and I actually had a little dance along to a couple of records while looking at emails (and a Lauren Laverne 6 Music shout out!)

Knee got a bit stiff, so I moved about a bit, which was fine for a while. Then had a little sit down at 10.45 after working since 8.15. Just moved the keyboard onto the table and laptop onto the keyboard shelf. Almost immediately I noticed slouching!! Stood back up at 11.55 and stayed standing pretty much until about 3pm.



Had one day in Co-working space and then one full of Zoom meetings where I have to move rooms, so the desk stayed put downstairs. Thursday was the next full day. I was already less tired and finding my upper body/neck aches and pains had largely gone! Not sharing the kitchen table with my husband meant I could move about more without distracting him. This is definitely a bonus for a fidgeter, and helps with focus.



Only problem is I can’t put a blanket on my knees while standing! Had a couple of hours of a meeting where I sat in the lounge, but otherwise stayed standing the whole day.



Had my first important meeting standing up and I did definitely feel more confident and able to express myself more clearly.



Back to work! After quite a lot of activity over the Christmas break it felt really good to be able to be more active “at my desk”. It’s made me realise how easy it is to be static all day sitting in front of the laptop.



One month down. My reflections are that it’s a big improvement in my working day and that it’s surprisingly easy to get used to. My upper body pain has completely gone which is fantastic. Because of a leg injury I do have to sit down for some parts of the day but that’s easy to do, because I can just move the laptop down to the keyboard shelf, and the keyboard onto the table. It does loom a bit like this, but I can still look through the slats into the garden! It’s so easy to put up and down at the start and end of the day, and lives behind the sofa out of the way. All in all a great investment!"

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