Optimising Remote Working with the M.S.S Method

Optimising Remote Working with the M.S.S Method

By too much sitting still, the body becomes unhealthy, and soon the mind. This is nature’s law." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1839

As our world becomes increasingly hyper-connected and tech-driven, remote working has become the new normal. While this offers a range of benefits including cutting transportation costs and increased worker flexibility, working from home can also threaten our wellbeing.

If you’re looking to stay happy, healthy, and motivated when working from home, our ‘M.S.S’ method (Move, Separate, Stand) will help keep you on your toes (literally) and maintain higher motivation levels each day. Our ‘M.S.S’ method is a simple yet effective way of helping you protect your wellbeing: both mental and physical. 

But first, let’s look at the main barriers to health and wellbeing when working from home.

Working from home: common health threats

According to a range of studies, the main factors affecting our health and wellbeing when working from home for extended periods include:

  1. Forming poor habits: Without the daily commute, the lack of clear-cut office day timings and constant access to the home kitchen, it can be very easy for remote workers to slip into unhealthy habits. As a result, inconsistent eating times, poor dietary choices, and constant temptation are having a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing.

  1. Blurring the line between life and work: Without physically going to the office or workplace, many find that the line between home and work life becomes blurred. This heavy burden can drive down motivation levels, causing a reduction of physical activity and low moods. 

  1. Inadequate work set-up and poor posture: Poorly set up home offices, bad equipment, and confining our bodies to poor posture not only impact motivation levels but are causing long-lasting health issues. 

Staying healthy & happy: the ‘M.S.S’ method

The threats of remote working to our physical and mental health are very real. Inadequate posture, a decline in productivity, dwindling wellbeing, and a poor balance between our home and work lives can cause health issues including back pain, depression, and more.   

In addition to establishing a solid routine, optimising the workspace and making healthier food choices, our ‘M.S.S’ method will help you remain focused, active, and engaged throughout the day, and it’s simple.

Here it goes:


Regular movement will facilitate blood circulation, boost metabolism, and help prevent feelings of sluggishness. Every 30 to 40 minutes, get up, stretch, and take a little walk around for a minute or so. 


In addition to moving frequently, twice a day, you should aim to separate yourself completely from your workspace. By stepping away from your desk and taking a moment to clear your mind, you will feel refreshed, revived, and motivated. Doing this will also give your day a little more balance. Even if you're busy, 20 minutes at a time will do. Go for a stroll outside, cook something up from scratch, play the guitar, have a shower…the choice is yours!


This is the most important part of the method. Research shows that sitting down for prolonged periods is associated with a range of physical and mental health issues. Humans aren’t designed to sit down all day. So, one of the best things you can do during your workday is STAND UP. Standing up while working will not only make it easier to move during the day and get your blood flowing, but will also lower your risk of weight gain and heart disease, improve your posture, and boost your energy levels. Start slowly by standing up for an hour or two a day. As the weeks go by, you can increase the time spent standing up at your desk. 

Time to take a stand and invest in your future

At HumbleWorks HQ, we’ve developed a range of sustainably made, portable standing desks designed to reduce back pain, optimise your performance and correct your posture. You can explore our range of standing desks here.

By investing in a standing desk and following our ‘M.S.S’ method, you will be well on your way to a happier, healthier future. For further wellness-boosting tips, keep an eye on our website for regular blog posts.

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